The Process for finding and appointing a new Senior Pastor – and continuing mission and ministry through East Taieri Church in the meantime.
- First and foremost we must pray for God’s leading and discernment.
- Presbytery have started setting up a Ministry Settlement Board (MSB) whose task is to do all the work related to making a new senior pastor appointment.
- Presbytery appoints a convenor and two other people.
- East Taieri elders will appoint two people.
- The East Taieri congregations will elect 4 people. Elders will call for nominations. Please pray about who you could nominate. After nominations have been received, voting will occur and those with the four highest votes will be elected.
- The MSB will prayerfully seek a new senior pastor, interview and discern and then recommend the person to elders. If elders agree they will recommend to the congregations who will vote. Our associate pastor Gareth Bruce is not applying for the senior pastor role which is usually filled by an ordained minister. At this time Gareth feels called to his associate/support role.
- Over the senior pastor vacancy, elders have planned for Rev Peter Cheyne to take on an up-to-half-time, interim ministry role to contribute preaching and leadership capacity to the Ministry Leadership Team, take some other services, initiate a new missional community on the coast, and provide a link with elders. Presbytery may see that it is sensible for Peter to also be our “interim moderator” (minister who serves in the church with the elders when there is no senior minister). Peter would start his part-time role in February 2023, with some flexibility so he can fulfil other commitments.
- Nick Muirhead will be taking on a 6 hours/wk interim pastoral assistant role from the middle of November assisting and reporting to Gareth Bruce.
For a more detailed outline of responsiblities, please click here